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PHP-Nuke (Titanium Edition) Mods
Mod Information: New Arcade Mod
Posted by TheGhost Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:19 pm

Mod Name: phpBB Arcade
Developer(s): TheGhost "Ernest Allen Buffington"
Contributor(s): Cy Borges
Original Author: giefca
Original Ported Website: (
Original Website: (
Version: v4.0.3
License: GNU General Public License version 2
Core: PHP-Nuke 8.3.3 <> PHP-Nuke Titanium 4.x.x
Description: Original Arcade Mod phpBB by giefca -


  1. Show games you have not played.
  2. Show the Newest games.
  3. Show who is playing each game and when.
  4. Play games in a new window.
  5. Show trophy ranking for each game.
  6. High Score recorded dates.
  7. Show all games' high scores.
  8. Show current game high scores.
  9. Send an arcade private message when a score is beaten.
  10. Add to favorites your favorite game.
  11. Make high-score comments.
  12. Manage high-score comments.
  13. Create game categories.
  14. Manage game categories.
  15. Search for games by name or description. 

ToDo List:

  • Add an avatar to the general high scores area.
  • Replace certain icons with Bootstrap Icons
  • Finish layout for the core theme.

This is another example of people abandoning their projects. We have taken over and will update all the code and probably add features. There is a lot of room for improvement and the project almost seems like it was abandoned in the development stages early on. 

The OpenSource community has taken over the development of Flash rendering and as we said, there is absolutely no way to stop the world from creating new Flash movies and Games, and it will continue to do so just like before.

Adobe choked a lot of people whose sole corporate incomes involved the use of Flash and by doing so a few went out of business or bankrupt.

We say shame on you Adobe you should know better.

Adobe bought Macromedia and even with their business experience did not have what it takes to keep it going.

Adobe has been known to buy companies just to horde them and destroy them. In their effort, they shut down Fireworks and fired a lot of employees that depended upon the income they made managing the project.

They also fired all the people involved in managing Adobe Flash Professional.

Adobe is a company that is full of greed and transformed its corporation into a monthly cash cow.

They take advantage of end users by charging monthly fees.

We say when you buy something it is yours and you own it. They should have let us have updates for free after we purchase something.

Adobe is the poster child for greed and they started by charging people monthly fees to use Adobe PDF.

They are a big company and we need their services but the sad thing is they are destined for failure. When you screw over the folks that made you what you are today, it will only be a matter of time before the OpenSource programming world destroys them. You can't stay in business when you screw your community buyers.

This is what happens when you let some youngin who is still wet behind the ears make broad decisions like getting rid of Flash, and or Fireworks.

They still have time to do the right thing and stop robbing their end users but the likelihood of that happening is very grim.

We only wish we knew who was directly responsible so we could make them a nice meme.

Adobe said "Oh we retired Flash" like as if after we all bought their software they had the right to say we can't use it anymore. That in the short term is theft and they robbed the people that put them in the position they are in today.

We all gave them the money that they used to cripple and destroy Macromedia. In the end, the OpenSource communities will cripple and destroy Adobe...

We all know that Microsoft led the way with its corporate greed. Microsoft knows if you make the wrong people mad it can cost you. Microsoft could have cared less and they led the way for others to start charging monthly fees and upgrade fees.

All we can say is enjoy the fact that we are bringing flash back. A lot of programmers who spent over a decade learning to program with ActionScript will probably be skeptical and they are still wandering around with the bad taste in their mouth of Adobe really sticking it to them. It's okay you can start to design new things and yes we have your back now there will never be a way for Adobe to say "Oh we retired it". Adobe is shrinking even as I type and it's their own fault.


Ernest Allen Buffington

avatar  Data Scientists / Programmer
  name: Ernest Allen Buffington
  email: ernest.buffington[at]

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