PHP-Nuke v8.3.3
Lonestar Nuke-Evolution Modules
PHP-Nuke v8.3.3 (Titanium Edition) / PHP v8.2.25
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PHP-Nuke (Titanium Edition) Modules
Module Information: New Image Repository Module
Posted by TheGhost Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:59 pm

Module Name:  Image Repository
Author: Lonestar (
Contributor: CoRpSE "Derek McGuire" (
Version: v1.1.0
Core: PHP-Nuke v8.3.3 <> PHP-Nuke Titanium 4.x.x
Description: Image Repository is as it sounds, An Image Hosting module, It is far superior to the old version Lonestar had created/coded in the past.

Version 1.1.0 Changes:
1. Removed the toggle upload image button, the Upload table shows all the time now.
2. Reduced the size of the thumbnails to help with page load times.
3. Added a new way of uploading images on the fly in the forums, No more BBCode button, Image Repository has its own table row now.
4. Admin panel has been moved to the main index, Just like in the Gaming Rigs (If you own it, you will know what I mean).
5. Cleaned up a lot of the coding, and carefully marked out what each area does.
6. This version is not encrypted, 
7. FAQ, Will be added in the next minor update, Lonestar is working on making this an XML feed, So he can update it from his site.

Future Updates: Lonestar has many more updates planned for this module. You will just have to wait and see

Version 1.0.1 Changes:
1. Add Image Repository BBCode button for upload of images from forums
2. No SQL changes were made.

Ernest Allen Buffington

avatar  Data Scientists / Programmer
  name: Ernest Allen Buffington
  email: ernest.buffington[at]

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