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New Link Us Module
Posted by TheGhost Fri Nov 08, 2024 6:44 pm

Module Name: Link Us
Contributor(s): TheGhost "Ernest Allen Buffington"
Author: DarkForgeGFX
Version: v1.0.0
Core: PHP-Nuke v8.3.3 <> PHP-Nuke Titanium 4.x.x
Description: To show and administrate several methods of backlinks to your website/portal.

Ernest updated the display on the Link_Us index page. It needed to be displayed properly, which may just be a matter of opinion however I'm OCD and I could not take it any longer. I went ahead and took the time to lay out the table and add a fieldset to the default image section. I have not added any other size link-back images so I have no idea what those will end up looking like. In that event, I am sure I will log in and re-write those areas as well. For now, this website has only the standard default link-back image sizes in use so I will wait till I have to cross that bridge to fix it.

I modified the index.php file located in the "modules/Link_Us/public" directory. 


Ernest Allen Buffington

avatar  Data Scientists / Programmer
  name: Ernest Allen Buffington
  email: ernest.buffington[at]

( Likes & comments? PHP-Nuke (Titanium Edition) Modules | Module Information | Score: 5 ) ( Reads: 879 )
New File Repository Module
Posted by TheGhost Fri Nov 08, 2024 6:44 pm

Module Name: File Repository
Author: Lonestar (
Contributor: CoRpSE "Derek McGuire" (
Version: v1.1.0
Core: PHP-Nuke v8.3.3 <> PHP-Nuke Titanium 4.x.x
Description: This takes the place of a very old downloads module. Meet the better new and improved downloads area.

Lonestar would like to send a special thanks to coRpSE for his input and suggested additions/changes to this module and also for the production of the File Repository configuration video which can be found at the HeadShot Domain (


  • There are multiple ways to view the downloads, either in a Single Row or Side by Side.
  • Multiple files per download.
  • Multiple Screenshots per download.
  • Colored Category titles.
  • Colored Download titles.
  • Ability to link to a Live Preview of whatever file they are about to download.
  • SCEditor has been added to all text areas for easy BBCode formatting.
  • Ability to lock downloads to a certain Group.
  • You can specify the minimum number of posts the user requires before being able to download.
  • Developer Mode: This enables developers to add a new text area for adding fixes to downloads.
  • Ability to allow those logged in as an admin to bypass the Captcha.
  • A rating system, Allows you're users to Rate & Comment on a download.
  • You can now specify if you wish to inform the user's the download has been updated.
  • Download Statistics.
  • Client-side uploading.


Ernest Allen Buffington

avatar  Data Scientists / Programmer
  name: Ernest Allen Buffington
  email: ernest.buffington[at]

( Likes & comments? PHP-Nuke (Titanium Edition) Modules | Module Information | Score: 5 ) ( Reads: 384 )
New Image Repository Module
Posted by TheGhost Fri Nov 08, 2024 6:44 pm

Module Name:  Image Repository
Author: Lonestar (
Contributor: CoRpSE "Derek McGuire" (
Version: v1.1.0
Core: PHP-Nuke v8.3.3 <> PHP-Nuke Titanium 4.x.x
Description: Image Repository is as it sounds, An Image Hosting module, It is far superior to the old version Lonestar had created/coded in the past.

Version 1.1.0 Changes:
1. Removed the toggle upload image button, the Upload table shows all the time now.
2. Reduced the size of the thumbnails to help with page load times.
3. Added a new way of uploading images on the fly in the forums, No more BBCode button, Image Repository has its own table row now.
4. Admin panel has been moved to the main index, Just like in the Gaming Rigs (If you own it, you will know what I mean).
5. Cleaned up a lot of the coding, and carefully marked out what each area does.
6. This version is not encrypted, 
7. FAQ, Will be added in the next minor update, Lonestar is working on making this an XML feed, So he can update it from his site.

Future Updates: Lonestar has many more updates planned for this module. You will just have to wait and see

Version 1.0.1 Changes:
1. Add Image Repository BBCode button for upload of images from forums
2. No SQL changes were made.

Ernest Allen Buffington

avatar  Data Scientists / Programmer
  name: Ernest Allen Buffington
  email: ernest.buffington[at]

( Likes & comments? PHP-Nuke (Titanium Edition) Modules | Module Information | Score: 5 ) ( Reads: 273 )
New Web Links Module
Posted by TheGhost Fri Nov 08, 2024 6:44 pm

Module Name: Web Links
Author: James Knickelbein - Journey Milwaukee (
Contributor: TheGhost "Ernest Allen Buffington"
Version: v1.0.2
Core: PHP-Nuke v8.3.3 <> PHP-Nuke Titanium 4.x.x
Description: Web Links/Resources based on Journey Links Hack 

I went in and completely sorted through every line of code and got rid of <center> tags, added h1s, Rewrote a lot of the code, and fixed a few errors that went unseen for years. When writing an Editorial review it would only reflect the admin number and not the admin's name, that is fixed now.

Someone in a rush did not set up the reCaptcha correctly for the add link section.

Added Bootstrap icons in various places to change the cosmetics a little.

Junked all the unneeded braces that were cluttered.

Removed the old expired search engines that have not existed in years and while I was at it I added Google Groups, and Disney and updated the JustLinux Forums search.

Ernest Allen Buffington

avatar  Data Scientists / Programmer
  name: Ernest Allen Buffington
  email: ernest.buffington[at]

( Likes & comments? PHP-Nuke (Titanium Edition) Modules | Module Information | Score: 5 ) ( Reads: 397 )
New Members List Module
Posted by TheGhost Fri Nov 08, 2024 6:44 pm

Module Name: Members List
Author(s): Lonestar, TheGhost "Ernest Allen Buffington"
Version: v4.0.0
License: GNU General Public License version 2
Core: PHP-Nuke v8.3.3 <> PHP-Nuke Titanium 4.x.x
Description: View Website Member List - Search Website Member List.

This module appeared to be incomplete and broken. The status of the users in the user list did not reflect if the user was currently online or offline. The user's website icon was missing, the user's Facebook icon was missing and the gender icon was missing as well. The members' list was written with a task and a goal to begin with and that was to automate finding and sending a user message or visiting a user's website. We did not add the user's email back to the search criteria of the member list as it is not needed. Send them a private message instead and the web portal will send them an email telling them they have a new message waiting for them.

Added Features:

  • The only users visible in the member's list are members that are not in Ghost Mode
  • Search Engines and website members have no way of knowing just how many website members really exist (Ghost Mode allows visitors to be 100% invisible)
  • Added global Ghost Mode ability for all users
  • Added the ability for admins to see who is in Ghost Mode
  • Added Ghost Mode - You are now invisible when you hide your online status. It will appear as if you do not exist!
  • Added A Profile Pic
  • Added Private Message Icon
  • Added a Website Icon that only shows up if the member has a website listed on their profile
  • Added a Facebook icon that only shows up if the user has their Facebook account listed on their profile.
  • Added New Gender Icons
  • Fixed user's online status in the members list as it was not working
  • Added animated ONLINE image
  • Fixed user's offline status in the members list as it was not working
  • Added animated OFFLINE image
  • If the person has marked themselves hidden on their profile, only admins can see them in the member list
  • If a person leaves the Location field blank it defaults to The Interwebs


Ernest Allen Buffington

avatar  Data Scientists / Programmer
  name: Ernest Allen Buffington
  email: ernest.buffington[at]

( Likes & comments? PHP-Nuke (Titanium Edition) Modules | Module Information | Score: 5 ) ( Reads: 913 )

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